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London Club Warns of Over-Reliance on GPS

05 October 2010

We have to admitted it that most of the deck officer today start to be Over-Reliance on GPS. Sometimes we forget that use of more that one method of position fixing is very important.
For more about it Click Here.

Low Sulphur Fuels Cause Pump Deterioration

30 September 2010

One more article from It discuss about the implementation of new regulation that have some impact to the equipment of the vessel. It's  a new challenge actually for the maritime sector to find out the solution. As you know the new regulation forcing the shipping operator to switch their fuels from HFO to Low Sulfur Fuels or opposite every time their entering or leaving the environmental zone around Europe. And today has been found out that this activity have some negative impact to the vessel fuel pump.
For more details click here

Mariner and Maritime Law Seminar 2010

09 september 2010

Halaman baru "to do list"

09 september 2010

Telah ditambahakan halaman baru pada menu "Home". Halaman "to do list" adalah halaman yang akan berisi tugas-tugas dan tanggung jawab yang harus dilakukan oleh resimen taruna. Daftar ini akan terus kami tambahkan dan perbaiki. Perlu diperhatikan bahwa tidak semua tugas yang dimuat dalam halaman ini akan dilakukan dalam satu periode tugas resimen taruna. Daftar ini dibuat agar dapat menjamin keberlanjutan tugas dan tanggung jawab resimen taruna sehingga akan dicapai kemajuan yang nyata walau hanya sedikit untuk tiap periode masa jabatan resimen taruna. Kedepannya tugas yang dicantumkan dalam halaman ini akan dibuat urut berdasarkan prioritas. saran dan masukan sangat diharapkan untuk penyempurnaan penggunaan halaman ini. Pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan tugas-tugas tersebut agar mengambil tindakan yang sesuai.

untuk ke halaman "to do list" bisa click disini

GANGWAY - Edition 19

Dear colleague,

Here we go once again - the roller coaster of maritime manning is creaking slowly up to the top of the abyss before plummeting back down the other side into yet another crisis.

It seems once again that the hiatus in world trade hasn’t been a time of reflection or of tackling the human element issues – it has instead just been a time of mothballed ships and budgets. Oh well, another window of opportunity closes and slams our fingers beneath it.

Don’t worry, this issue isn’t just about problems – we’re looking at solutions too, as we seek ways in which to make the career ladder within shipping more defined and accepted. We also look to the image of the maritime industry and of the effect (if any) this plays on recruitment.

Please click HERE to view your complimentary copy of the nineteenth edition of Gangway our dedicated marine recruitment news bulletin. News of our new enhanced shore based recruitment site, could not have come at a better time.

Best Regards,
Anneley Pickles

Update terbaru halaman profile unit bimbingan taruna

08 september 2010

Telah diupdate halaman profile unit bimbingan taruna. Namun untuk foto profile belum dapat dilengkapi dan akan segera dilengkapi secepatnya. update didapatkan berdasarkan file yang dapat diunduh pada halaman download.

Shiptalk Newsletter - September 2010


Hello again and welcome to this month’s Shiptalk news. Incredibly this month contains no mention of pirates at all (well apart from this one). Yes, finally a pirate free month (oh, and that one).

We’re putting our security worries aside to concentrate on people...whether its money grabbing cadets, perverts, smokers, drinkers, whistleblowers or even a new Secretary General of The IMO...we’ve got them all covered.

Incidentally, talking of people, we’ve become involved in another do-gooder scheme to promote those fancy pants people who make the world a better place. So if you know anyone who makes shipping and the maritime industry all the more wonderful by their very presence please do tell us. Email [email protected]……reading you loud and clear

to view the news letter please click here

Ujian Operator Radio Umum (ORU)

Posted : 17.00 W.I.B 29 July 2010

Waktu pelaksanaan : Tanggal 2 s/d 4 july 2010
Lokasi pelaksanaan : Gedung diklat pengembangan SDM Ditjen Postel Jl.Raya Puncak KM 78 Cidokom, Bogor Cisarua, Jawa Barat.
Pakaian : Seragam Untuk Taruna atau kemeja putih dan celana hitam untuk umum.

Peserta diharap telah menuju puncak pada hari minggu guna untuk mensurvei tempat dan mencari akomodasi.
Semua peserta baik yang baru ujian ataupun yang HER ujian harus datang pada hari pertama.

Pembayaran Uang Semester (Daftar Ulang)

Posted : 17.00 W.I.B 29 July 2010
Pemberi Pengumuman : Ibu Renta

Pembayaran Uang semester untuk taruna dan taruni yang akan mengikuti semester III dan semester VIII dilakukan paling lambat tanggal 06 agustus 2010.
Taruna diharapkan dapat melakukan pembayaran dengan transfer melalui bank-bank terdekat.
Keterlambatan pembayaran akan dikenakan sangsi yang tegas.